Types of agencies that can refer to us:
Any agency that is suitably situated to assess the needs of the individuals being referred to us.
We are a registered charity and our resources are made available through the charitable donations and grants from our supporters.
To ensure that we exercise the right responsibilities for our supporters we only accept referrals from the following:
Applications are accepted for consideration where the leaders or key support workers have been supporting people and have identified a risk of homelessness or financial hardship. You can register if your organisation type is not listed here but you believe that you fulfil the criteria for referring someone to us. Together we will assess if our services are suitable and any additional criteria needed to personalise the action plan for best results.
For referrals for coaching services contact us at [email protected] or use the contact page.
We are a registered charity and our resources are made available through the charitable donations and grants from our supporters.
To ensure that we exercise the right responsibilities for our supporters we only accept referrals from the following:
- Religious organisations such as churches and mosques
- Employers (a further assessment will be done with us to ensure the responsibility does not fall within the HR responsibility of the organisation)
- Homelessness support organisations such as charities, housing providers, homeless hostels, prison resettlement/ Chaplaincy or Probation
- Local Authority departments
- GP Surgeries or other organisations providing therapy
Applications are accepted for consideration where the leaders or key support workers have been supporting people and have identified a risk of homelessness or financial hardship. You can register if your organisation type is not listed here but you believe that you fulfil the criteria for referring someone to us. Together we will assess if our services are suitable and any additional criteria needed to personalise the action plan for best results.
For referrals for coaching services contact us at [email protected] or use the contact page.
Residential/ Supported Housing
We prioritise our referrals for our residential/ supported housing services from Chorley Borough Council.
We recommend that if you are supporting anybody that is need of residential/ supported housing, you support them to visit Chorley Borough Council offices on Union Street and ask to speak with Housing Solutions who will make an assessment for referral.
We recommend that if you are supporting anybody that is need of residential/ supported housing, you support them to visit Chorley Borough Council offices on Union Street and ask to speak with Housing Solutions who will make an assessment for referral.
General Criteria
Support Related Referral Criteria:
- Single persons only.
- Minimum Age: 21 years old.
- Maximum Age: None – but would always be subject to an assessment of needs.
- Must be eligible to receive Housing Benefit and prepared to stay at the residence for a minimum term of six months.
- Whilst there is no maximum stay, the resident should be prepared to enter into a review on next steps if they have resided at the property for 1 year (regular reviews are every 3 months).
- We can house those in addiction recovery, but are unable to house anyone currently alcohol dependent or using a controlled drug (contact us regarding this). No alcohol is permitted on the premises.
- In terms of any sexual offenses we would need full details and be able to speak to an offender manager prior to being able to make a decision.
- Anyone self-harming would be subject to a full risk assessment.
- Must not keep pets at the residence (although special circumstances can sometimes be accommodated dependent on individual circumstances and a full risk assessment).
- Be prepared to have random swab/urine tests if required.
- Not to behave in any ways that risks the safety and security of the residents (including self), the house, the business (including staff and volunteers) or the community.
Support Related Referral Criteria:
- Must have at least some medium support needs.
- Must be willing to work with us weekly to meet the objectives of their Support Plan. This will include engaging with (and not restricted to) relevant activities, residents’ meetings and workshops.
- Must have a desire to be helped towards positive change.
- Must be willing to abide by the House Rules, Regulations and License Agreement.
- Must be comfortable with the Christian values of Heart for Chorley (based on the scripture from Matthew 7:12 Amp Classic – “...whatever you desire that others would do to and for you, even so do also to and for them...” and Philippians 2:3 Amp Classic - “Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves].)
- Must be willing to engage with the project and participate in meaningful activities as per your coaching plan. These can include volunteering, training, education or employment. The target as per the license agreement is 20 hours per week but with a minimum expectancy of 8 hours per week.